Eide Ecovillage is a vibrant and modern village, founded on a sustainable way of life that gives inspiration and possibility to live the good life.
– Our vision
The objective of Eide Ecovillage is to create a new economic base and new settlement at Eide within the framework and principles of an ecovillage. Through the establishment of a several activities we will create a sufficient livelihood, and the possibility for new settlement.
Activities will be related to the terms; nature, culture, health and knowledge – for example: green care, job training, training / education / research, culture, alternative farming activities, health tourism, ecotourism and geotourism.
Knowledge is a central concept. We wish to establish a number of courses and training offers related to the themes above.
Eide ecovillage has already established cooperation with United World College Red Cross Nordic and Sogn Agricultural and Gardening School.
– A place to live in a sustainably way
How: environmental friendly houses, local food production with commodities from land and sea, time to take care of each other, knowledge of sustainability.
– A village that creates innovative sustainability solutions
How: through testing and designing new ways of settlements, food production, research / knowledge and learning.
– A living village that is self-sufficient with nature, culture, knowledge and health
How: Green care, retreats, wellness, cultural events, our own products and external house, sharing experience / dissemination.
– A way of future living (consumption, knowledge, sustainability, ecology, time)
How: less consumption, create things yourself. Reuse and exchange. Share knowledge and resources, produce your own food, time to live.
– Part of a greater sustainability community
How: possibilities and clarification in micro / meso / macro-environment.
– Inspiring nature
How: experiences related to fjords, mountains, seas and lakes
The running of the ecovillage is planned organized through the establishment of three areas of responsibilities, with one key person in charge of each area. See page Join us for further information.