At regular intervals we wish to host gatherings in the village, so that people that are interested can experience Eide. On the web page you will find an overview of activities coming up. Welcome to Eide Ecovillage!
This section contains news posts from Eide Ecovillage.
Publisert October 19, 2021
It’s been a while since you have heard from me. Out of respect for all those who have shown interest in the plans and who have contacted me and wondered how it goes, I strongly regret this. The reason lies, among other things, in challenges because of health issues as well as coordination of the […]
Publisert January 2, 2016
Eide ecovillage have now developed a strategy- and action plan for establishing of the ecovillage. Unfortunately this is currently only in Norwegian, but it will also be translated into English.
Publisert January 2, 2016
Succesfull event with UWC RCN also this year during the PBL from 5 – 9 October. A lot of nice discussions around the planning of the ecovillage and around another eco issues. The architect Victor Brustad was together with us this week and he gave a lot of interesting lectures. UWCRCN
Publisert January 2, 2016
Great event i Solund in Outer Sogn, Western Norway honoring the wild sheep living on the islands, 26 – 28 June 2015. Eide Ecovillage was present on Saturday to give information about the plans for an ecovillage at Eide The Wild sheep Festival
Publisert January 2, 2016
Eide Ecovillage was present on the Sustainable Valley Festival in i Hurdal in Norway 24 – 25 June 2015. Wonderful and exciting progam with a lot of participants. Sustainable Valley
Publisert June 18, 2015
A nice presentation of Eide Ecovillage on Vestlandsrevyen the 18th of May 2015.
Publisert June 18, 2015
Eide Ecovillage visited UWC RCN in Flekke Friday the 24th of April.
Publisert June 18, 2015
An positive article about Eide Ecovillage was printed in a magazine about local businesses in Hyllestad in 2014.
Publisert June 18, 2015
At the 17th of October 2013 the politicians in Hyllestad got an introduction to the work behind Eide Ecovillage.